Nicky Wonders Why

The Beginning

by Ashley C. Joy
Illustrated by Daniel Majan

About the Book

Nicky is an inquisitive little boy eager to learn about the world around him. He asks his favorite teacher, his mommy, about how the world came to be. She responds to his questions from a biblical perspective.

Nicky always wondered, what happened when it thundered?
What makes the Sun come out to play?
And where does the Moon go when it goes away?

“Of course not, Nicky!” Mommy said.
“God placed them in the Sky”
Nicky asked, “But when did He do it, and why?”
So, his Mommy told him the story about how God made the world for His glory.

About the Author

Ashley C. Joy is a mommy of three living in West Nyack, NY. Just like her children, she enjoys reading and writing. Ashley formally pursued numbers, instead of words, in her education and is a CPA. But after answering her kids’ endless questions on the topic of faith, Ashley decided it was finally time to write a book! She hopes this book inspires parents to actively engage in discussions about faith with their children.

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What a beautiful story to read to little ones about the creation!


This is an awesome book for your curious little ones!

Stacey Daniel

An incredible book to read to your children!


Excellent book especially for bedtime stories!


This is a Beautiful Children’s Book. I read it with my 13-year-old Daughter, and I think I enjoyed reading it more than she did, if that’s possible!
The illustrations are very vibrant and realistic, and the scenes transcends the reader to a Peaceful place of Hope and Faith, both in God, and the wonderful Possibilities that exists in Humanity.

Karlene Beckford

This book was such a cute idea to explain creation to a child. It’s a great book to read to your kids to help them learn. The illustrations were so artistic and made the book that much more fun to read. Buy the book you won’t regret it!

Celine Chacko