Widow’s enhancement

There are seventy number of widows who are supported through us.

Covenant Widow’s enhancement MINISTRY

In the developing country like India, the rights and welfare of women are spoken in particular since the time immemorial. There are many legal statutes and government welfare measures in the development of women. Among women, if we look at the state of widows, in the country, it will add sorrow to our hearts.

Since the pre- independence era, there was the practice of sati, which is burning the women alive along with their dead husband. Great reformer like Raja Ram Mohan Roy fought against this evil against women and brought an end to it.

Once a woman lost her husband, she gets the burden of bread winning for the family, nurture and care of children and parents. If they are illiterate, the problems they encounter becomes unexplainable.

In such a critical condition, the widows in the tribal areas of the state of Odisha, are still more poverty driven and are incapable of self sustainability. Hence, the Covenant Inc, has started to look after the needs of the widows by extending them a small financial help on every month. There are seventy number of widows who are supported through us.

With great burden, we would like to share that the support to these poor widows is stooped since one year as we are running short of funds.

In order to increase the help to such women, will you extend your helping hand?